6 Point

This week is Civic term. In civic terms I am taking a class called game changers. This class is about the history of games and their creation. In this class I learned how to play a lot of different games and the definitions of different games. I learned how to create a game with two other people. T.N and D.P. I am very proud of how the game turned out. The purpose of this game is to have fun. This entire civic term was really fun, and I am excited to present 6 Point.

6 Point Game Demo: 
This video is a demo of our game 6 point.

Who are you as a player in 6 Point?

6 Point” is a game that requires 3-8 players. Players then compete against each other using their cards to get to six points before anyone else.

What can you do in 6 Point?

In this absurd card game, everyone takes turns drawing and playing crazy cards that make them perform a number of activities to gain points! You can choose which card you would like to play from your hand. This fast-paced point-pushing game makes it fun for the whole family! Gamers 10+ can compete to win a fabled “blank card” which allows for players to create their own cards for use while playing

How can you win?

The game ends when a player gets 6 points! Each game lasts from 20 minutes to an hour.

This is what would be included in each box of 6 point. The rulebook, the cards, and the game components. 


Each game includes 82 cards, 60 gem pieces for points, a rulebook and 18 blank cards for winners.


#1 everyone must begin with 1 point

#2 winner makes a new card

#3 you need to reach 6 points to win.

How To Play:

    Every player gets dealt 2 cards. You must draw a card every turn, but you don’t need to play a card unless the card says so. There is no limit to how many cards you can have in your hand. Players must choose who begins the game. If the card says (play this card face down) play it faced down. You must complete the action before you are able to reveal your card to other players. If you fail to complete the task, you may flip the card for everyone to see and place it in the discard pile. You may continue to do the action multiple times if the card is faced down until your next turn. This is what the game setup should look like:


This slideshow is the creation of 6 point. This is how we put the cards together and our first drafts of our game.

My revisions, creating, and playtesting 6 Point:

    It was hard to decide what game we wanted to do as a guild, one of my other guild members had a board game idea. I personally thought it would be too complicated and I’m happy that we went with what I came up with. It was not a finalized idea and with how much my guild members changed some aspects to the original game idea they produced this game with me. Together we created this amazing game.

    Playing 6 Point was really fun. We would playtest our game many times to not only find flaws but to also come up with new card ideas. Revising the cards from paper to index was very simple however it was very hard to come up with a name. If we made a mistake, we also had to cross it out on the index cards which made it sloppy. We had to revise certain cards over and over.

    Another thing we had to revise was the maximum amount of points you need to reach. Of course, we had to revise this a lot over and over again like all aspects of this game. We had to keep changing the rules. A lot of the time it was hard to clarify each rule since our cards are very open ended. A lot of the cards can be left up to interpretation however we tried to make it as clear as possible. Designing the art took just as long as coming up with the title. We had no theme for our game, so it was hard to decide the colors.

My personal reflection of 6 Point:

    I personally contributed the general idea of the game. Although it's obviously not the same idea I pitched, it still has the basics of it. I am proud of creating the art and the game title. Our art is very strange because it doesn’t match our card game at all. I have a lot of room to improve on explaining things normally. I’m glad I had both of my teammates to help correct my grammar on certain cards. I’m also glad they were there to help support me on creating cards. I am the proudest of my entire team. I did not expect everyone to work so well on a game. I am used to people giving up on group projects like this, however my team really pulled through. I am very lucky to have them as teammates. 
    I had some room to improve on time management. Managing my time was stressful. My personal goal for this project was to get 6 Point play tested 5 times by 5 different player groups each time. I was successful in playtesting 6 Point 5 times and documenting it. You can see it in the video. In the future I would have loved to playtest this game more, but I think it's because I just like playing 6 Point. If we had more time to create this game, I would like to create more art for it. I also did an extra credit assignment, and I would also like to change the art on that box too. Ideally our art would be sillier like our game. I think our game turned out just fine in the end.


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