
For orientation we took an FE to learn about sounding. Pritzker Pavilion is where we went to an event which the artist I choose was Natalie Chami. The purpose of this whole experience was to learn and experience different learning environments. 

My takeaways fro this investigation is learning about different learning environments. We started off talking about what is a classroom. The questions we were asked were “What does it sound and look like? What is it like to learn outdoors?” (Etc).

I connected with this artist because their synthesizer really stood out to me. I personally like electronic sounds. I learned from one of my peers slightly more about the artist since we ended up liking the same one. As we took the time to independently research the artists we choose I learned a lot about synthesizers. I learned that they were created in 1952 by Harry Olson and Herbert Belar. I learned that Natalie has been playing piano as a kid and was very interested and influenced by her sister's taste in music along with piano artists. Learning about sound and what a classroom should be makes me wonder what types of classrooms there can be. As a part of our internal investigation we got to design classrooms which I personally had a lot of fun with. 

This was my design for the classrooms

I also got to get a good look at what a synthesizer looks like which for a long time I thought it was a piano that could record the


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