My Weird Fiction Universe

    This is an action project for my new class stories. In this class we are learning about origins and
overall where things come from. More specifically we looked closer about how people said the earth was made. Our task was to write a story about the origins of something. I decided to write an origin story about a planet named Xolo. This is pronounced (solo). This is a fiction short story with pictures.

    As a part of our internal investigation we watched a video about tone setting, did a small assignment to learn more about similes and metaphors and graded past action projects from other students. For our external investigation we were lucky enough to have a wonderful storyteller named Lily B. Lily B won the Moth GrandSlam storytelling competition in 2013 and she came to our school to inspire us. She played a game with us which was really helpful for thinking of stories. Now that we are on the action project phase I am happy to present my story; The origin of Xolo.

    In conclusion to what I just wrote I really loved this action project. I loved writing this because writing is one of my hobbies. Since this was fiction this was a bigger challenge for me since I am used to writing non fiction. I overall enjoyed the challenge and this assignment. The biggest challenge I faced besides the genre was incorporating similes and metaphors. One of my favorite parts were drawing the pictures incorporated in it. Thank you for reading.


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