Everything You Do Matters

This was an assignment assigned to me in a class called Who am I? In this class we
learned about different philosophers. We have recently been reading Sophie's world
which is an amazing book to learn about the different philosophers. Our goal of this
assignment was to share and explain our belief. I believe in the butterfly effect and the universe itself. I say everything you do matters because it does.

Below is a script of what I am saying out loud.

Everything you do matters

Of course something you should know about me before I start is I am the type of person that says promises are very important. I also think violence could be justified.

Now let me tell you why everything you do matters

I believe in the butterfly effect and that there is a greater being guiding us

How does this relate to everything you do matters? You will see.

I once believed in god because I was a Christian.

Woah woah hold on stay with me just listen,

What made me change was when a lot of people at church said that if you were to sin God would send you away to hell.

They constantly praised him for everything like the food on the table that I watched my mom use her undying love to make.

Then she would thank God.

This made me upset because what did god do? He did not make that meal appear in front of you.

Mother you made that meal, don't thank someone for the food you have when you got it yourself.

I also noticed that they say god is the creator of all and he has a path for us. If he had a path for all of us then why did he make Eve take the apple from the tree. If he created all then he created fear. Then if fear and darkness are out of his control then god is not almighty he is not all powerful. If Evil was already there when god created us then he did not create everything. If someone died for all of our sins what is the point of trying to be perfect. I don’t understand it makes no sense. If god was out there and he had a path for everyone then why would he make people do bad things? Why would I want a god that says love me above all else or you can burn forever.

I don’t believe he exists.

This made me change what I believe.

I thought of all the other religions and all the different cultures.

Why do they believe this?

Who put this idea in your head? Then I heard of someone who believes in the universe. Just a series of coincidences and then I heard of the butterfly effect.

I think you can ask the universe questions by letting them answer you with a coincidence. For example if I ask am I going to die today and I say “Pardon me universe, if I am going to die today could you show me a yellow car?” Let’s say you don’t see a yellow car within the next 10 seconds. You’re not going to die. At least it is highly unlikely. I follow a series of coincidences that happen all around me. Recently I have been very busy outside of school taking care of my puppy and helping my friends with their homework before mine. I have been dying for a break from everything and everyone for a while. My iPad broke which means I could not communicate with certain people. This gave me a small break. In fact on 1/30/21 (Saturday) My phone broke as well. I am not careless with my devices but I believe this was the universe's way of giving me a “break” but after I was complaining about not having my phone to sleep with music then they brought it back. I also believe in karma for the most part. Maybe the universe saw how hard I tried.

Like the great philosopher Plato who believes that you cannot rely fully on your senses to get a hold of reality. Platos wrote about the allegory of the cave and as we studied this in class I understand what Plato is saying. However I do not believe that this is a shadow of another world but I think it is the original.

Plato also believes that there is someone greater who could sort of introduce new things to the people in the cave. For all we know we could be the people in the cave and there could always be something greater. The difference is Plato believes that there is one god or one being while I believe that there are many more. Almost like a group of people. I think that it is impossible to run a place like Earth without needing help.

I think that there is also the butterfly effect since everyone might need help once in a while.

If you try hard enough and maybe you help another person that person will see that kindness and pay it forward. I can relate to this experience because if someone did something nice for me growing up then I would feel like I owe that person or needed to do what they did. Almost as a role model.

This sort of contributes to my identity because it influences the things I do.

For example I would try my best to smile at strangers even though it could come off as creepy.

So since I believe in the butterfly effect it influences the way I act and think as a human being I also think of this the other way around. If I were to hit someone I think someone would be mean to me or that the person I hit would be sad for the rest of the day. This is how my belief relates to my identity.

Everything you do matters. Even if it’s just a smile to someone, even if it’s shoveling snow for someone, even if you take the time to pick up trash or recycle that one thing it all matters. You may not believe in what I do but there is nothing wrong with that. Just remember to look up instead of down and to smile instead of frown.


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