
    I am enrolled in Spanish 2. In this unit we are creating quitapena dolls. Our first part of this was drawing a sketch. I thought my doll was going to be wearing green, and have eyes, but it doesn’t. Our task is to describe what the doll is wearing, and the fabric we used. I have created a doll with purple skin. The hardest part of this project was the writing. The easiest part for me was creating the doll. I learned angry in Spanish is enojamiento which is a very big word. I am very proud of how my doll came out.

A.A.L “blue shoes” 2022

A.A.L “Sketch” 2022

La quitapena muñeca lleva la camisa blanca, y pantalones caquis.

Los pantalones están hechos de algodón.

La quitapena muñeca lleva zapatos azules

La camisa está hecha de algodón.

Come frutas

Le gusta bailar


Estuvo enojamiento


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