Don't be Greedy, be Patient

    I am enrolled in a class called Drama. In this class we are learning about famous plays, the way they are performed, and who created them. In our current unit we are looking at the famous poet, William Shakespeare. Our class has read the play “The tragedy of Macbeth”. Our class has taken a look about how gender roles play out in Shakespeare's play. 

    We have taken a look at what it means to be a queen, and modern-day queens as well. We also watched the movie version of the play. My favorite part from this unit was reading the play out loud with my classmates. Our task was to respond to one of the characters in the play and give them advice in the form of a sonnet. I have chosen Lady Macbeth. I have chosen Lady Macbeth because she seems to encourage Macbeth to commit crimes. I have performed the sonnet in a video, but there is a written version. I call it “Don’t be greedy be patient”

Don’t be Greedy be Patient

Miss Lady Macbeth

Wishing for what you already had

Do not wish for a poisonous chest

Thy mentality and bloodline have gone bad

Thy deceitful personality

Thou’st shall tear apart thy own reality

Lady Macbeth it’s best not to encourage king Duncan's fatality

It’s clear now you and Macbeth don’t share the same mentality

Thou does not act like a man, but like a live cattle

Thou sounds like a cow “take my milk for gall”

I warn you Lady Macbeth, continue this way and you shall lose the battle

Thy act so unhinged, it's not formal

Macbeth becoming king is fate

All you need to do is wait

The hardest part of this unit was understanding William Shakespeare's play. The hardest part of this project was creating the sonnet. Making works that rhyme at the end was hard for me. In this unit we also looked at gender roles. In this poem I tried to tell Lady Macbeth that gender roles don’t exist. I think Men and women are whoever they want to be and act. I originally wanted to say that Macbeth was acting like an animal, but I figured cattle would be better for rhyming. "Thou’st shall tear apart thy own reality" is my favorite line in my sonnet. It is my favorite line because of how accurate it is in the play and in the movie. 


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