Visiting Venezuela

    I take Spanish 2. This is a language class! In this class we are working on making a travel pamphlet to another country. It needs o be a Spanish speaking country. I picked Venezuela since I am part Venezuelan. We had to make two pamphlets one in English, and one in Spanish. I learned a lot of new terms in Spanish. A really big challenging part was citing my sources. Using creative commons images was hard to find. I am really proud of taking Spanish two and taking an external credit class. My external credit class is sign language. Here are both pamphlets on visiting Venezuela.

Works Cited

13 Famous Spanish Dishes to Eat in Spain.” Bookmundi.  Accessed.  6 Oct. 2021.

Expedia.  Find Hotels in Madrid from  $64., 2021,  Accessed 6 Oct.   2021.

Helenmlittle0. Alhambra, Granada, Spain. 2017.  Pixabay.

Joanna.  Welcome to Andalucia!. Andalucia In My Pocket, 2021,  Accessed 6 Oct. 2021.

Juan Luis Ferrandiz. Plaza Mayor Madrid, Black White. 2017. Pixabay

KarinKarin. La Sagrada Familia, Gaudí. 2014. Pixabay.


ViaHero Inc.  The 16 Best Things To Do in Spain According to Locals.   ViaHero, 8 July 

2021,  Accessed 6 

Oct. 2021.

Warner, Leah.  “Beginner’s Guide to Breakfast in Spain.”  CityLife Madrid, CityLife 


Accessed 6 Oct. 2021.

Warner, Leah.  “Beginner’s Guide to Lunch in Spain.”  CityLife Madrid, CityLife Madrid,  Accessed 6 

Oct. 2021.


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