Joy VS Judith

This is my last action project for my humanities class. This class is called stories. Our unit for this class was called Journeys. In this unit we learned about the steps of a hero's journey. In this unit we watched the matrix to give us an example of a hero’s journey. In this unit we also took a FE to meet Armani. This was an art FE in understanding stories through paintings. This artist showed us paintings that tell stories. This helped me prepare for our next action project.

We learned about the creation of the Hero’s Journey. This journey was created by Joseph Campbell to show a step to step process of a hero. The hero’s journey is a 12 step process that heroes go through. Although they might not go through all the steps they go through a lot of them.

 Our Action Project assignment was to show the hero's journey in two people. One person is fictional. The fictional person I am using is Joy, who is the main character in the movie Inside Out. Although Sadness plays a big part I am focusing on Joy. I picked Joy since It is easy to understand her perspective of always wanting to be cheerful. I picked her because she learned that sometimes you just have to take a moment to think , process, and then move on. I honestly relate to Joy a lot when I didn’t understand that you can take time to think about things. I always thought you just need to be happy all the time. 

My second hero is a real life hero. I picked my Aunt Judith L. to compare to Joy in the hero’s journey. Judith is a nurse. I look up to her in my daily life. I picked Judith because I think she has the most reasonable thinking. When my dad gets in trouble he asks her for help sometimes. That’s how awesome my aunt is. She’s so smart that even my father goes to her for help sometimes. Judith is also a very strong person that has been through a lot. I picked Judith because she is my everyday hero. 

In a lot of ways Joy and Judith are similar. Joy always looks on the bright side as does Judith. Both of them had people cheering in their corner when they needed it. You will see the similarities and slight differences in this handy slideshow. This is a slideshow comparing Judith and Joy’s hero’s journey.



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