The Surprise

        Stories is a class I take where we learn about stories. Not just any stories but fables and origin stories. We learn how each culture has a different version of the same story to make sense of the world around them. We learned that fables are stories to help people understand morals. By using animalistic characteristics we can understand what we should and shouldn’t do. In this class we also went over simple things such as grammar, similes, and metaphors. In stories my favorite thing we learned about was characters. We learned all about antagonists, protagonists, round characters and so on. Our task was to create a fable with animalistic characteristics. I have chosen an aardvark, bunny, and rat to represent different characters. The bunny Mel symbolizes happiness, honesty, and open heartedness. The rat Lance symbolizes jealousy, anger, and fibbing. The aardvark Caitlyn resembles humility and unassuming nature. This is my fable called; The Surprise. Please enjoy!


“It’s finally October!” Caitlyn the aardvark exclaimed joyfully.

“Why do you like October so much, Caitlyn?” Lance the rat asked with curiosity growing inside him.

“Is it because it’s Halloween season?” Mel the bunny interrupted.

“Sure it’s Halloween season, but my birthday is coming up! Too bad I’ve got nothing planned. It falls on a Tuesday,” Caitlyn sighed.

"Caitlyn, Mel, and Lance" A.A.L, 2021

“We should throw a surprise birthday party for Caitlyn!” Mel whispered excitedly in Lance’s ear. “That sounds like a terrific idea!” Lance agreed.

The next day Lance and Mel met up to start planning Caitlyn's party. Mel had brought Caitlyn's other friends to help Lance and Mel plant it out.

“Do you think Caitlyn would like red streamers?” Mel asked Caitlyn’s brother.
“I think Caitlyn would like pink ones,” He responded.

“Hey Mel, do you think we can have cheese at the party?” Lance asked.

“Perhaps at your party, but Caitlyn is allergic to cheese.” Mel said with her ears flopping down.

Lance didn’t like the idea of not having cheese at a party, so he put cheese on the table anyway.

“Do you think Caitlyn would like ants for dessert for her party?” Mel asked Caitlyn’s brother.

"Ants?" A.A.L, 2021

“Absolutely!” He agreed.

"Cheese on the table" A.A.L, 2021

As they continued to set up the party Lance found himself getting very bored. Bored, Lance began to whip his tail around destroying the decorations.
“Lance please be careful with your tail you’re destroying the party!” Mel scolded.

“It was an accident Mel! I’ll be more careful next time,” Lance fibbed.

He decided to ask Mel, “can we go get ice cream”?

“Not just yet. We’re not done repairing what you destroyed.” Mel said passive aggressively.

“Would Caitlyn be interested in…” Mel trailed off as she asked more questions about Caitlyn.

Lance was not happy. He was very, very, very, very, bored creating Caitlyn's party. Lance decided that he would have more fun destroying the party. Lance hid the ants, took down the streamers, and put cheese on the gift table.

“LANCE! You need to leave right now! I’m sure it’s hard to control your tail, but I’m sure you can control your paws. You need to leave the party so the rest of us can finish.

“Mel, let's go plaaaaaaaaay!” Lance rolled his eyes, ignoring what she had said.

“Lance, I'm too angry to come play with you right now. I need to finish the party.” Mel declined.

Lance’s face became red. “If I can’t have fun at this dumb party then I should just leave. Who even likes surprises?” Lance mumbled on his way out. Lance stumbled upon Caitlyn in the woods. He stopped and wished her a happy birthday while whipping his tail angrily on the ground.

“Thank you!” Caitlyn replied

“You seem upset Lance, what's wrong?” She asks, concerned.


At that moment Mel showed up to ask Caitlyn to follow her for a special surprise. Caitlyn burst out into tears.

“What happened? Did I say something wrong?!” Mel panicked.

“No,” Caitlyn whimpered, “It’s just that the surprise was spoiled because Lance just told me about my surprise birthday party”.

"you spoiled it" A.A.L, 2021

“Lance, we asked you to keep the party a surprise, why did you tell Caitlyn about the party?” Mel asked calmly.

“I didn’t mean to… I just slipped out of my mouth.” Lance responded shamefully.

“You just ruined Caitlyn's birthday party. You’re officially uninvited for being a horrible friend. You should really have more self control when it comes to blurting things out.” Mel snapped.

Lance didn’t think that he would ever get in trouble for blurting out. Lance began to sob over his actions for now he couldn’t play with anyone at the party.

The moral of the story is have self control

Thank you so much for reading my fable; The surprise. As something we learned in our stories class was morals and values. One of my values was to have self control. I personally do not like hanging around people who do not have self control because they do impulsive things like Lance did.


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