GMOs? I don't support it...

This is Food class! This past week we have learned about punnet squares and the green revolution. The green revolution was when Norman Borlaug used selective breeding which created superwheats. We also learned about probability, NON GMOS, and we even went to the farmer’s market as a class. At the farmers market we interviewed the vendors to talk about organic crops and if they support GMO. We also learned about the reproductive systems of flowers. My favorite part was drawing the flower reproductive systems. Our assignment was to write a position paper if we support GMOs or not. I am using America’s wheat yield to show my prediction of the wheat yield we will have in 2030.


     This is America’s wheat yield over time. The equation to make my prediction in 2030 is 260*69+17293=35233. By using this equation you can predict what America’s wheat yield will be in 2030. I predict in the year 2030 it will be 35233 hg/ha.

    I do not support GMOs because they create superweeds and the GMO seeds can infect other farmer’s crops. GMO crops and seeds reduce hunger by a significant amount. According to “GMOs- Top Five Concerns for Family Farmers” the issue with this is that the corporations growing the crops get a majority of the money and their crops and superweeds can damage other farmers. As you can see in the graph due to GMO wheat seeds the production of wheat has gone up and is still going up. Although there can be changes like droughts and bad soil. There is no point in having GMO seeds if all farmers cannot grow them because GMO seeds create superweeds that can infect other farmer’s crops. This leads to crops dying and no longer being able to produce organic wheat. In conclusion, NON GMO foods are healthier than GMO foods. Although GMO foods provide more food it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good food.

Works cited:

“GMOs - Top Five Concerns for Family Farmers.” Farm Aid, 2 May 2019, 

Rupp, Rebecca. “Rebecca Rupp: I'm Pro-GMO and Here's Why.” Culture, National Geographic, 3 May 2021,


Acker, Rene Van, et al. “Pros and Cons of GMO Crop Farming.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, 26 Oct. 2017,,%2C%20the%20economy%2C%20and%20productivity. 


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