H2WOAH that's a lot of water!!!- AAL

     This is an infographic showing my research comparing daily average water usage. This will be showing the usage of Americans compared to Kenya compared to my personal daily water average. My infographic is called "H2WOAH that's a lot of water!!!" because I realized how much water Americans use compared to Kenya. In my water class where we are learning about how much water everyone uses on a daily basis we also learned about how hard it is for some countries to access clean water. Our class had a field experience to see how much water we could carry from the body of water back to our old school building. This was a great experience because I learned that it might not always be easy getting water every day. The worst part was that the water was brown. In our water class I realized that having access to clean water is a huge privilege.

     I used this website to see my daily average water usage in gallons. Once I had done that I decided to split it up into four categories into a pie chart. I also noticed when researching and comparing America and Kenya that Kenya uses a whole lot less water. I think that America either has easier access t water or that Americans do not know how much water they use. I also think that Kenya does not have as much access as America. I did not know how much water I was using until I used that website that my teacher had given me. I think the people in Kenya are smarter with their water so thy don't have to use as much. I personally think everyone should check and see how much water they are using and hopefully reduce the amount of water you are using.


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